2024 – ‘Seeding the Future’ [Event: 20th Annual – February 3, 2024]
- 2023-24 Committee: Sue Putz, Christina Brown, Renata Ritter, Jackie & Gary Pendergast, Gord Almond, Kim Hammond, Sally Shivers, Murray Chantler, Alisa Spencer, Pam Remai, Michalina Hunter
2023 – ‘Seeding the Future’ [Event: 19th Annual – February 4, 2023]
- 2022-23 Committee: Sue Putz, Christina Brown, Renata Ritter, Jackie & Gary Pendergast, Gord Almond, Kim Hammond, Sally Shivers, Murray Chantler, Alisa Spencer, Pam Remai, Michalina Hunter
2020 – ‘Seeding the Future’ [Event: 18th Annual – February 1, 2020]
- 2019-20 Committee: Sue Putz, Doug Byer, Christina Brown, Renata Ritter, Linda Perkins, Alisa Spencer, Julie Babiy, Lori Pross, Gord Almond, Kathy Claxton, Murray Chantler, Robin Benke
2019 – ‘Seeding the Future’ [Event: 17th Annual – February 2, 2019]
- 2018-19 Committee: Sue Putz, Doug Byer, Christina Brown, Renata Ritter, Linda Perkins, Lori Pross, Gord Almond, Kathy Claxton, Murray Chantler, Robin Benke
2018 – ‘Sow, Grow, Enjoy!’ [Event: 16th Annual – February 3, 2018]
- 2017-18 Committee: Sue Putz, Doug Byer, Christina Brown, Renata Ritter, Linda Perkins, Lori Pross, Gord Almond, Kathy Claxton, Barbara Perron, Murray Chantler, Robin Benke
2017 – ‘Flourish & Nourish’ [Event: 15th Annual – February 4, 2017]
- 2016-17 Committee: Sue Putz, Doug Byer, Christina Brown, Renata Ritter, Linda Perkins, Lori Pross, Gord Almond, Kathy Claxton, Barbara Perron, Laurie Robertson, Barb Croft
2016 – ‘Meeting Garden Challenges’ [Event: 14th Annual – February 6, 2016]
- 2015-16 Committee: Gord Almond, Sue Beatty, Christina Brown, Kathy Claxton, Marianne Hodges, Marg Lowe, Linda Perkins, Lori Pross, Sue Putz, Renata Ritter
2015 – ‘Sow the Seeds!’ [Event: 13th Annual – February 7, 2015]
- 2014-15 Committee: Gord Almond, Louise Kelsey, Sue Beatty, Christina Brown, Lori Pross, Sue Putz, Kathy Claxton, Marianne Hodges, Renata Ritter, Craig Young, Marg Lowe
2014 – ‘Grow It!’ [Event: 12 Annual – February 1, 2014]
- 2013-14 Committee: Gord Almond, Sue Beatty, Christina Brown, Kathy Claxton, Frankie Michaluk, Sandy Glazier, Marianne Hodges, Marg Lowe, JoAnne Moger, Sue Putz, Craig Young
2013 – ‘Pots and Plots; Sowing and Growing Our Food’ [Event: 11th Annual – February 2, 2013]
- 2012-13 Committee: Gord Almond, Birgitta Mick, Christina Brown, JoAnne Moger, Sandy Glazier, Sue Putz, Marianne Hodges, Diane Sharp, Marg Lowe, Craig Young
2012 – ’10 Years of Growing- Buzzing Right Along’ [Event: 10th Annual – February 4, 2012]
- 2011-12 Committee: Louise Cotterill, JoAnne Moger, Sandy Glazier, Linda Rehlinger, Marianne Hodges, Anne Sharp, Marg Lowe, Diane Sharp, Birgitta Mick, Craig Young
2011 – ‘Eat Your Garden’ [Event: 9th Annual – February 5, 2011]
- 2010-11 Committee: Louise Cotterill, JoAnne Moger, Sandy Glazier, Linda Rehlinger, Marianne Hodges, Anne Sharp, Marg Lowe, Diane Sharp, Birgitta Mick, Craig Young
2010 – ‘Local Bounty 2010- Meeting Garden Challenges’ [Event: 8th Annual – February 6, 2010]
- 2009-10 Committee: Joy Smith, Diane Sharp, Louise Cotterill, Craig Young, Linda Rehlinger, Birgitta Mick, Marianne Hodges, Gwen Burgess, Anne Sharp, Keith Smith
2009 – ‘Year Round Gardening’ [Event: 7th Annual – February 7, 2009]
- 2008-09 Committee: Joy Smith, Marianne Hodges, Louise Cotterill, Diane Sharp, Will Lemmon, Linda Rehlinger, Craig Young, Keith Smith
2008 – ‘Sustainable Island Living’ (per brochure) [Event: 6th Annual – February 2, 2008]
- 2007-08 Committee: Diane Coe, Louise Cotterill, Kim Hammond, Will Lemmon, Linda Rehlinger, Sally Shivers, Joy Smith, Keith Smith, Mary Jane Turner, Craig Young
2007 – no theme on record [Event: 5th Annual February 3, 2007]
- 2006-07 Committee: Kim Hammond, Linda Rehlinger, Sally Shivers, Keith Smith, Joy Smith, Craig Young, Dianne Coe, Louise Cotterill
2006 – no information [Event: 4th Annual February 2006?]
2005 – no information [Event: 3rd Annual February 2005?]
2004 – no information [Event: 2nd Annual February 2004?]
2003 – no information [Event: 1st Annual February 2003?]